Prehistoric Expansion

PE is a mod that adds all sorts of new prehistoric and mythical creatures, biomes, and plenty more to come. We are continuously working to add more mods and features from all eras of history.









Version I


This terrestrial miniboss rarely spawns inside desert temples. These mobs are extremely hostile, attacking nearly every mob in sight. They are quite tanky, but drop an Ankh totem for all sorts of effects.

  Health: High
  Damage: High
  Speed: Slow
  Behaviour: Hostile
  Bred: False
  Ridden: False
  Drops: Ankh totem

  Not all of these features are currently in effect and are subject to change!

Idle Animation

Walking Animation

Attacking Animation

Version I


This terrestrial mob spawns rarely around the desert. These mobs are hostile, attacking the player on site.

Disclaimer: Not all of these features are currently in effect and are subject to change!

Idle Animation

Walking Animation

Attacking Animation

Coming Soon..

Join our Discord Server for updates!

Version I (feat. Grapes)

Version II

Ammonite (Coming Soon)

This aquatic mob spawns inside warm, shallow waters. These mobs are passive, being a peaceful addition. They drop their shells upon death, which can be crafted into a new armored shield for the player.

  Bred: False
  Ridden: False
  Drops: Ammonite shell

Disclaimer: Not all of these features are currently in effect and are subject to change!

Idle Animation

Swimming Animation

Version I (feat. Grapes)

Version II

Version III

Anomalocaris (Coming Soon)

This aquatic mob spawns in warm, shallow waters. These mobs are passive, being a peaceful addition.

Disclaimer: Not all of these features are currently in effect and are subject to change!

Idle Animation

Swimming Animation

Version I


This aerial mob spawns on beaches. These mobs are neutral to the player, but attack any aquatic mob other than puffers. They come in handy for catching fish for the player.

Disclaimer: Not all of these features are currently in effect and are subject to change!

Version I


This terrestrial mob spawns in the new juniper forests. These mobs are passive, being a peaceful addition. They are commonly used as livestock, producing healthy eggs and dropping meat for the player to eat.

  Bred: True
  Ridden: False
  Drops: Dodo meat, dodo eggs, and feathers.

Disclaimer: Not all of these features are currently in effect and are subject to change!

Idle Animation

Walking Animation

Version I


This aquatic mob spawns in deep, cold oceans. These mobs are hostile, attacking the player on sight.

Disclaimer: Not all of these features are currently in effect and are subject to change!

Version I

Version II


This aquatic mob spawns in wetland biomes. These mobs are neutral to the player, hunting smaller aquatic prey. They drop their claws upon death, which can be used to increase the player's reach distance.

  Bred: False
  Ridden: False
  Drops: Jaekelopterus claw

Disclaimer: Not all of these features are currently in effect and are subject to change!

Idle Animation

Swimming Animation

Version I

Version II


This terrestrial mob spawns in all tundra biomes. These mobs are neutral, willing to use their size if needed. They are commonly used as livestock, producing large amounts of meat and shearable for mammoth wool. This wool can be used to make a new woolly armor set.

  Bred: True
  Ridden: False
  Drops: Mammoth meat & mammoth wool

Disclaimer: Not all of these features are currently in effect and are subject to change!

Idle Animation

Walking Animation

Attacking Animation

Version I

Version II


This aquatic mob spawns along the seabed of shallower waters. These mobs are passive, being a peaceful addition.

Disclaimer: Not all of these features are currently in effect and are subject to change!

Idle Animation

Swimming Animation

Version I

Version II


This terrestrial mount spawns in savannahs and plains. These mobs are hostile, often found hunting nearby livestock. They are used as mounts, which can be quite tricky due to their hostility. The work pays off though, as they are quite fast, and can even glide while falling.

  Bred: True
  Ridden: True
  Drops: Feathers

Disclaimer: Not all of these features are currently in effect and are subject to change!

Idle Animation

Walking Animation

Attacking Animation

Version I

Version II


This terrestrial mob spawns in jungles. These mobs are neutral, preferring to use their claws for harvesting nearby flora. They drop their claws upon death, which can be used to create a sickle to harvest and replant areas of crops.

  Bred: False
  Ridden: False
  Drops: Therizinosaurus claw

Disclaimer: Not all of these features are currently in effect and are subject to change!

Idle Animation

Walking Animation

Attacking Animation I

Attacking Animation II

Version I

Utahraptor (Coming Soon)

This terrestrial mob spawns in plains. These mobs are hostile, often found hunting nearby livestock.

Disclaimer: Not all of these features are currently in effect and are subject to change!

Idle Animation

Walking Animation

Attacking Animation I

Attacking Animation II

Coming Soon..

Join our Discord Server for updates!